Monday 27 August 2018

Men will be Mean !

Incident no. 1
I had an asthma attack so I had to visit a doctor. My usual doctor was not available so my mother took me to another doctor with qualifications of MBBS, MD. (Who appears young)

Me:  ( Explains detailed symptoms history since childhood, corticosteroids used previously in treatment)
Doctor : Are you a medical student ?
Me: I'm studying veterinary
Doctor : पण Veterinary ला मुली असतात का?
Me: (sarcastic smile)
Suddenly, my mother(afraid of what I would speak) intervened and explained how the number of girl students was more in my class as compared to boys.

Incident no. 2
I am at a tapri having tea, (a senior who has failed twice in first year and studies in same class as mine)happens to be there.
Senior : So, What are you planning after graduation?
Me: Post graduation in a clinical subject
Senior : You better choose medicine, because then you can easily just prescribe medicine and sit idle. Surgery and gynaecology are not for girls.
Me : *sarcastic smile* (thinking about what special organs men possess that they use to perform surgeries)
Suddenly, he offers to pay for my tea and leaves

Incident no. 3
Time: 10 pm
Place : Reading Room

Watchman : 10 वाजले मॅडम
Me : पण library 24 तास सुरू असते ना?
Watchman : तुमच्यासाठी नाही, फक्त मुलांसाठी
Me : निघते थोड्या वेळात
(Watchman leaves) ..
Boy : झाला असेल अभ्यास, तू निघ आता
Me : (still sitting there)
Boy : (staring at me)
Me: Any problem sir?
Boy: Its none of my business, i don't care, but you know mulini  velevar ghari gela pahije, kahi hot nahi pan jar kahi zalach tar? Tyapeksha lavkar gelela bara na?
Me: Thank you so much, i will call u after reaching home safely (packs my bag making loudest possible noise, pulls back chair while making noise stamps my feet till I reach the door and disturbs everyone on purpose)
Me: (does not talk to my parents properly on phone because my mood is off , and is unable to sleep because an insignificant boy shut my mouth with his stupid shit talk)

Incident no:4
We are travelling together in a heterogenous group of girls and boys. We are in a different city for official purpose.
That time I had made a new friend and had gone to meet him.
Mr.Xyz : Where have you been? You shouldnt roam like this, we all are travelling together and your responsibility is mine so being a girl you should not behave like this.
Few days later,
Mr xyz : I have made arrangements for the boys to travel, you make arrangements for the girls (leaves comfortably in a car while we travel in a bus, one of us is down with fever, other has motion sickness and one of us is on fast)
Where did your "Man-power", and responsibility go now?

My dear friends, I am not posting this to belittle anyone.
These are all true incidents. This is the reason why we need "feminism" which I think should simply be called "common sense". But people have problem with that too. Just say the word and they think you are some "man hating" woman having a boycut and dresses up like man. They make memes and jokes on feminism, they think it's funny.Trust me, its not funny. All the time I go through all this It has a toll on my mental health.

I am a happy woman, I celebrate my womanness, but I hate being reminded about it all the time. I hate being treated as if I am not a human being capable of taking my own decisions,that too by those people who mean nothing to me.